Create Your Brand Story

Here’s where you’ll develop what’s commonly called in marketing your brand story. This is when you take the ideas you jotted down earlier and map out your messaging and ideas you want to convey to your audience. By using a spreadsheet or a Google or Word document, you can create a content calendar listing when and on what platforms you want to distribute your content ideas. Or you can find pre-made content calendar templates online. Keeping in mind how often you’ve decided to post content, begin to mark your content calendar with your blog and social media posts. A good strategy is to use a calendar and begin looking at holidays and major events coming up throughout the year and align your messaging with those first, as you’ll most likely hold events and sales around these times of year. Then, you can plug in your ideas around those holidays and events on the calendar. If you need topic ideas, here are a few:

  • Customer success stories
  • Holiday ideas using your products
  • Personal stories about you and your products
  • Guest Blog posts from customers
  • Product reviews
  • Product tutorials

Implement Your Content Calendar

Now that you’ve created your content calendar, it’s time to start posting according to the schedule you’ve made for yourself. Remember, you can always adjust your calendar according to your needs. This is meant to be be a fluid guide, not necessarily something set in stone.

Measure Your Success

As you post your content, you’ll begin to discover what’s working and what’s not working, regarding your sales and brand awareness. Which posts are helping your business the most and why? And on which platforms? There are a variety of tools to help measure the success of your content marketing efforts, including free, built-in analytics available on most social media platforms and on Google. Hootsuite, which we mentioned above, has a free analytics tool as well.

Again, this is just an overview of how to begin content marketing. We will have more in-depth information about this topic in the future. But for right now, this should be enough to get you started on the right path.


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