Promote your event

Creating and syncing your event was easy. Now comes the hard part – promoting it. Don’t worry! Luckily, we’ve got some tips to help you in your quest for event success.

  • Cross-promote – Enlist anyone who is involved with your event to help you cross-promote. This means partners, sponsors, speakers, caterers, etc. Don’t be shy in asking these folks to help you spread the word. Not only will it help you but it’ll help them, too. Some ways you can encourage them are to:
    • Tag them in posts detailing how excited you are about them helping with your event.
    • Create shareable content teasing your event such as live streams and sneak peeks.
    • You can always reach out to those who are helping with your event directly and ask them to post about it on their own pages with hashtags you provide them and a link to your event page.
    • Add your event to their Facebook pages calendars by clicking the “More” dropdown menu on your event next to “Invite” and then selecting “Add to Page.”
  • Create Facebook event ads – There are Facebook ads that promote businesses and there are Facebook event ads that promote…well, your events. There’s a lot of power in Facebook event ads:
    • They allow you to drive awareness of your event with “Interested” or “Going” action buttons. They can also increase the potential for ticket sales with a “Get a Ticket”
    • You can customize your ad to target five kinds of potential buyers using Facebook’s data regarding demographics and social behavior.
    • Connect with people who’ve shown interest through ad retargeting.
    • Target users who are similar to those who’ve bought tickets to your events in the past.
    • Setting these ads up is easy and only takes a few minutes. Learn more about setting up your Facebook ad strategy by reading this.

Analyze Your Sales

When it comes to planning events, it’s crucial to learn from your successes and failures so you can plan accordingly for your next event. Eventbrite’s analytics tool will allow you to easily see important data, like how many of your sales come from Facebook, who attended your event, the number of event page views, and where your sales originated from. You can also manage your attendees list with options like the ability to issue refunds, update attendee contact information and resend order confirmations. You can even download your analytics data via a chart or spreadsheet.

Facebook is a great social media tool for promoting your events. But partnered with Eventbrite, it’s an even greater asset, making it easier for you to manage and promote your event, and a much simpler process for your people to attend it.

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