Help update online errors

This one doesn’t seem like it could make that big of an impact, but small business owners often don’t have enough time or resources to make sure their online information is up to date. You can help by alerting them to outdated information or errors anywhere you might see them on their social media pages or website. It could be a broken link or an incorrect email address. Better yet, if you have the skills, let them know you’ll make the updates for them. Having the wrong info online derails potential new business and gives a bad first impression. 

Write a good review

Another free way to support independent consultants is to write a great review where a lot of people can see it. Almost 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. You can also share the social media pages of the small business you’re trying to support and ask your friends and followers to like it. Sharing will ensure a wider audience will be informed of everything that’s going on and will entice them to shop there. 

Volunteer your time and skills

Starting a new business can be overwhelming, and menial tasks add up and create stress. So, drop off those packages for your friend at the UPS store on your way to work. Use your graphic design skills to help create the next holiday mailer. If you’ve mastered Quick Books for Self-Employed, teach your friend.

Collaborate for community events

A great way to drum up some recognition is to ask them to partner for a local event you’re organizing. If you’re planning a festival or block party, you can invite your friend to set up a booth and promote exclusive deals or sell their products onsite. Not only does this help them make money, but it gives them name recognition in the community. If the event is for a charity or a local non-profit, that goes even further to promote the business in a good light as a supporter of worthwhile causes. 

Need another way to help small business owners and independent consultants? Encourage them to join NFICA. For just $5 a year, they will instantly gain access to industry-leading benefits that can help them run their business. They will enjoy benefits such as insurance and discounts on a variety of products and services, from office supplies to travel. NFICA is all about helping small business owners succeed. Go on, tell them to join now!

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